Monday, April 27, 2009

I Need a Cubicle

Since I originally started this blog to document my transition to working for myself, I figured I should update you with my latest life change. Well I guess I have already updated you a bit. And although my web address still says "Who Needs a Cubicle", quite a while ago I changed the blog title to "Discovering San Francisco", in some ways to reflect the content of the blog, and in some ways because I already knew that I wasn't going to last as a freelancer.

So to conclude the saga, I have accepted a job offer with a company called Opinion Dynamics, working on evaluations of energy efficiency programs.

When I first started looking for jobs instead of freelancing, I focused on jobs that involved communications and writing. This job only involves those aspects as much as any job does, in the writing of reports. The job focus will be more on my analytical and research skills.

I guess this just goes to show that you never can tell. Although I loved writing, I have discovered I love it more as a hobby than as a job, and I plan to return instead to what I do best. Solving problems.

So ends the saga; from here on out this blog will just be about my life outside of work. Which is really the most interesting anyway.

Thanks for all your support as I gave freelancing a whirl.

1 comment:

Ms. S said...

congrats on the job!