Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The California Water Crisis

And now, a break from the lighter side. Don't stop reading if you don't live in California - your turn will come!

The news has been bleak. A biological opinion by the Fish and Wildlife Service requires water pumped from the San Francisco San Joaquin Delta to be reduced by 20 to 30 percent. This water serves about 25 million Californians in the southern part of the state. The initial allocations for the State Water Project are at about 15 percent. San Diego expects mandatory water rationing by July 1st. Even the Bay Area is starting to freak out!

It hasn't rained more than about 2 days the whole time I've lived here. Here in California, when we don't get rain, we don't fill our reservoirs, and we start running out of water to drink. It seems to me that people don't realize this. Until less than a week ago, I imagine that the average citizen had no idea that we were running into a water crisis.

Now, the Chronicle is running stories, the local news stations discuss it, KQED held a forum, and apparently even lawyers care (this last link is a really good commentary; I highly recommend it).

Apparently last year the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission requested 10% voluntary cuts in water use. I had no idea! I just looked at their website, and I had to dig pretty deep to find anything recommending water conservation. This should be the first thing anybody sees.

Folks, I may be a pessimist and a doom predictor by nature, but I firmly believe there will be mandatory water rationing in this state this year (and nobody wants that) unless we all get our acts together.

Tear up your lawn and replace it with pretty, water efficient plants. Take a cowboy shower. (My sister and I did this religiously for two weeks in Ecuador without complaint, but I admit to only taking part a handful of times since I've been back in the states.) Educate yourselves.

I kid you not: water is the next oil.

I know ya'll never click on my links (because I have ways), but check these ones out! I know these things because it's my job, but I guess I better start preaching (likely to the choir)...


baillie said...

Let it be known that I cowboy shower every day.

Ms. S said...

1 - Ok, I'm naive, what's a "cowboy shower"?

2 - Please note, I also "linked out".

3 - Even in the great NW where it would seem we have quite enough rain, we (Mister and me at least) do our best to conserve every day because we too know water will be more expensive than oil someday. And if you buy bottled water, you know it already is, depending on the bottle.

Alison said...

I tried to find a link for a cowboy shower, but they turned out to be sadly lacking. A cowboy shower is when you turn off the water while you are, say, shampooing your hair or washing, so you only have the water on for rinsing or getting wet in the first place. Our shower actually has a little switch on the showerhead that allows us to do this easily, and in theory without worrying about changing the temperature, but the water always blasts out cold when I turn it back on.