Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is it Baseball Season?

This morning I finished reading a baseball book that Matt lent to me (I say lent because we keep our books on separate shelves - because of me - and he hates it when I turn down the pages on his books. He might fine me).

At the beginning I wasn't sure how I felt about it because the author, a former big league pitcher, tells a lot of stories that are often incongruous, with some being two lines and some being several pages. I found it hard to follow. But then I realized it was a perfect book for reading on the subway because it contains lots of convenient stopping places.

And by the time I finished reading the book today, I realized that I had really enjoyed it. The stories are entertaining and really telling of what goes on - or at least used to go on in 1969 in baseball clubhouses, dugouts, and bullpens. But the book also talks about the larger issues of what to do with your life and how playing in the big leagues doesn't even always make you feel like you're good enough as a person. (And if that doesn't, how do the rest of us get there? By realizing you don't have to cure cancer to be worthwhile.)

We also watched Bull Durham last night, which is a fantastic baseball movie. It's hard to believe it was made 20 years ago. Bull Durham, unlike Major League, is not only a funny baseball story, but also tells more interesting stories about life.

To be honest, I find baseball quite boring, especially on TV. Although I enjoy going to baseball games, often I just people watch. But I do recommend this book and movie.

Matt is currently reading a baseball book I lent him, by one of my favorite nature authors. I guess it's just that time of year.

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