Saturday, January 31, 2009

Transit Adventure II

Awhile back we were sitting in the back of a double-length bus when a young man headed toward the back stairs to exit, but instead stopped, got out a giant marker, and tagged the bus - right in front of at least 5 people.

I said, "Seriously?" really loudly. Matt elbowed me. Then the kid looked over at me, and I looked right at him and lifted my hands and shoulders in a "What the Hell?" kind of posture. He calmly turned and got off the bus.

I proceeded to lament the rest of the trip that I should have been more forceful with this kid. Maybe told him that the rest of the passengers don't appreciate riding in a crappy bus. And that muni would eventually have to pay to clean it up. Matt thinks I just should have shut up and not worried about it, because what difference would it make.

I just hate feeling so spineless.

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