Monday, January 5, 2009

Boys and Girls

Check out the recent post, by invitation only, on the Cocktail Party Physics blog. Sexism in not only religion, but also science. A topic near and dear to my heart, as always.

P.S. My birthday present turns out to be a boy. If I still buy pink things, will my sister acquiesce to my nuttiness or to social conformity? To be continued...


Karen said...

Okay nutso, girls can wear blue but boys can never wear pink until they are old enough to choose to do so for themselves.

baillie said...

Why should girls be given access to the full spectrum of colors while boys are denied it? That's giving in to old-fashioned gender norms. Babies know zero about their own gender, so why not dress a boy in pink if you like the outfit? Because people will mistakenly say "what a cute girl"? Won't they do the same thing if you dress a girl in blue, and shouldn't we consider the two occurrences to be exactly the same?