Monday, December 15, 2008

Remember When Matt Set the Apartment Complex on Fire?

Yesterday morning when Matt was getting ready for the day, he was complaining that the bathroom was cold. Thinking quickly on my feet, I suggested that he turn on the heater. (The heating for our apartment is not central, but consists of three built-in space heaters - one in the living area, one in the bedroom, and one in the bathroom.) We had never turned on the heaters since they are notorious for causing fires. Since Matt is therefore afraid of the heaters, naturally I assumed that he would ignore my advice, and he did not say anything to make me think differently.

Several hours later we were sitting at the airport, waiting for our friends, when Matt asked me if I'd turned the heater off. I thought he was joking. Nope. Unbeknownst to me, Matt had in fact turned the heater on, not told me about it, and then failed to turn it off before we left for the day. Folks, these are not the kind of things you leave on unattended. I started to freak out, but I hadn't noticed the bathroom being hot, so I tried not to worry too much.

However, when we pulled up to our apartment complex, the entrance was blocked by - guess what! - a fire truck! And then, as we parked on the street, along came another fire truck, complete with siren.

Oh my gosh!

Matt really did start a fire!

We'll be evicted from our home and our friends will have nowhere to stay. And they might not be our friends any longer! And we'll have nowhere to live! And what if someone got hurt! Or worse! I think I'm having a heart attack!

The horror!


Okay, not to let you down slowly or anything, but there really was no fire in our apartment. Just a terrible, terrible coincidence.


Karen said...

But there was a fire in someone else's apartment in your building? Or just a false alarm totally?

Sarah said...

In a sick way, that was a funny story. Hopefully the whole thing was just a false alarm so that no one lost their home or their friends....

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I was having a horrible flashback heart attack reading that! I hope it all worked out okay and yes, I definitely want AGU updates!

Alison said...

We don't know what happened. The hall did smell vaguely like smoke, but almost more like incense than house fire. Matt thinks someone was covering something up. So at any rate, I think everyone and everything is okay. Although come to think of it, we just ran into the building manager and he seemed like he needed to take some Prozac.