Monday, July 6, 2009

Desert Nostalgia

We spent the weekend in Arizona, visiting my little nephew Tyler. He is a super cute baby, but as always, I'm not posting pictures here. All my friends and relatives adored Tyler, but no one so much as Matt. I nearly couldn't get him to come home, and today he told me that he missed Tyler. Oh dear...

We endured the 108 degree heat, mostly indoors and a bit in the pool, but we did luck out enough to experience a lovely monsoon and gorgeous sunset while we were in Tucson. For an hour or so, I missed the desert. But then I woke up to brutal heat and remembered why I don't live in the desert anymore. There's tradeoffs to everything, I suppose.

1 comment:

Ms. S said...

There's no place like home... whereever it is at the moment.