Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today Matt Told Me That Maybe We Should Get Divorced

So much to blog about this morning! So little time!

Today, the California Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in the same-sex marriage cases. As far as I understand it, the central issue is whether voters actually had the authority to take this right away from people (ban same-sex marriage). Generally, the courts are the ones that make decisions on constitutional issues (equal civil rights, etc.). And I think if we put a number of constitutional rights to a vote, many of them would be taken away, not just gay marriage. This case will also determine what happens to the marriages of 18,000 couples that took place in the few month span that it was legal in 2008.

People were marching last night, camping in front of the civic center, holding rallies in front of the court house. They even set up a jumbotron outside of the court house for large groups to watch.

A local news station will be livestreaming the oral arguments from 9 am to noon Pacific time, if anyone is interested. I will obviously not get anything done today again.

Oh yeah, Matt said that if the supreme court supports the voter-approved ban on gay marriage, maybe we should get divorced in support. I reminded him that we had considered that issue before we actually did get married, but he appeared not to remember. So maybe tonight he'll be serving me with papers. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted!


Unknown said...


One main thing holding me and DL back is the equal rights idea. How can we justify doing it when so many others can't?

I know it may be too personal for a blogging venue, but I would be interested to hear more about the "discussion" you guys had before you decided to take the plunge. I am so on the fence about the whole thing myself. Not sure what to think.

Alison said...

Nothing is too personal for my blogging venue! (Well maybe I shouldn't say that...)I think I will write a more comprehensive post about our marriage decisions. However, I am always open for off-blog discussions.