Friday, March 20, 2009

Pope Says Condoms Contribute to HIV

Have you noticed that when nothing exciting is going on in my life, I report on the news?

Alas, the head of the religion in which I was raised has made another egregious error, declaring that condoms cannot help the HIV problem, and may even aggravate it.

Really? Last I heard, having protected sex was a well known method to help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases included HIV.

Let's use our well-respected soap box to tell millions of people to just not bother wearing the things. I'm sure they just won't have sex instead.

Way to go, Pope.


Karen said...

Where is my byline?

Alison said...

Guess you should have blogged about it yourself! :) Would you like to contribute to my blog? Also, I saw it on the Daily Show. Now that is a real news source.