Apparently I have entered a rebellious time in my life. Besides my husband, only one person has sincerely told me they think this a good idea. My parents think I am out of my mind.
I already moonlight as a writer for a trade magazine, and I am looking to pick up a couple contracts from my current job. The internship will provide me with some more clips for my portfolio. So ideally, after the 6 months, I will be partially on my way to becoming an independent science and communication consultant.
I do have a husband who is planning to make the opposite transition - from the freewheeling world of school to one of a corporate consulting job - so I guess I have a fallback crutch. But I've been reading these self-helpy type business books (so uncharacteristic of me!) and they have convinced me to believe in myself and give it the old college try without worrying about making it. And then I'll succeed!
(As a side note, I'm not exactly sure I want to set out my complete path as a commercial writer, as this book suggests, but I'm certainly going to explore my options!)
So if you know anyone who needs a competent and efficient hydrologist, water planner, or science and environment writer, send them my way!
(And as a second side note, I received a signed copy of Gary Hirshberg's book, "Stirring It Up," by sending in 20 Stonyfield Farms yogurt lids, and it totally inspired me to go work in corporate America. Although the good kind of corporate America. Maybe I could get a part time gig doing that. I'm just not good at this commitment thing.)
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